President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
Czech President Milos Zeman visits the Czech Republic booth at the International Pavilion of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing, in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
China Esteran Airlines
Czech-China TCM Center Prague was visited by very eminent professionals yesterday. Delegation coming from Shuguang Hospital Shanghai came to visit partner, Endowment Fund for Support of TCM and alternatives in Prague.
During this meeting the both parties promoted TCM. Czech organizers were very honored to welcome the top experts, medical doctors from Shuguang. Mrs MA, leading this delegation, has been visiting TCM Center for the third time. She was very pleasantly surprised to see the development and new activities of Czech partners.
Nearly seventy people listened the lecture of Dr. Med. Guan Xin, PhD, Chief Adviser of fund, and then could everybody use the possibility to consult with famous medical doctors personally. All of them, within Mrs. MA, coul treat in Prague for many years and they would have more and more clients here.
TCM is very known in Czech Republic, but there is not accredited education. Only a little bit more than 500 Czech Medicine Doctors is allowed to treat by TCM officially, mostly acupuncture. So it is very important to promote Chinese Medicine Doctors and professional level of TCM treating. To show and present them it personally, their knowledge and care show here, in Prague. Many Chinese and Czech people used to visit Czech-China TCM Center, and ask contact to Dr. Med. Guan Xin, PhD, former Chief Doctor at University Hospital Hradec Kralove. After finishing inter government project of TCM Clinic there, he moved to this TCM Center in Prague. As a Chief Adviser he has lectures here, seminaries and individual consultation for public.
“Our aim is to present the highest level of TCM. We have met the top doctors in Shanghai, Beijing and other cities from China. Many of them have been visiting our Czech-China TCM Center in Prague. The highest level, it means at first Chinese medicine doctors. We prefer to show Chinese medicine doctors, ways of treating, products in original and authenticity. Czech doctors and practitioners could learn by them, to have lectures and seminaries. We could send a few of them to Chinese hospitals, time to time. Our product is informed client. He know, what about original TCM, who is able to offer the professional care, where he could find it. It is the most important information for Czech client now,” said Jan Hovorka, President and Founder of Endowment Fund for Support of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Alternatives.
For everybody, who is interesting to visit this interesting place, connecting relations between China and Czech Republic, is possible to come Opletalova 19, Praha 1. All information you can find on or 773007597.