President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
Czech President Milos Zeman visits the Czech Republic booth at the International Pavilion of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing, in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
China Esteran Airlines
Evaluation-meeting 2019
6. 12. 2019 (Friday)
09.00 – 13.00
Místo konání/Venue: Letiště České Budějovice Airport Budweis, LKCS
Dear friends,
another year has (almost) gone. Accept, please, our cordial invitation to meet and evaluate the current year 2010 of the project and programme Geomed.
Let me to present the proposed themes for our discussion: The medical, medicinal and health-care importance of typical South Bohemia products – i.e. peat (for bath and in drinks as well), soft berries (vaccinium myrtillus, vaccinium macrocarpon), fermented meat and milk products, and last but not least, beer, wine (vitis vinifera) and natural inhalations of forest fresh air (balsamic aromatic silices – alfa pinen) and lavender (linalool).
This year we have focused on natural inhalations-balsamic silices/volatile substances in forest/woodair, mainly in direct vicinity of Česke Budejovice , and natural inhalations in general.
The challenge of the day is:
Why, how and which way to South Bohemia,
to the oasis and source of the health.
The imminent and explicit importance of this attitude as “destination management feature“ not only for tourism, but for residential housing as well, calls for cooperation not only on the field of medical sciences and research, but also the direct co-operation with marketing, promotion, logistic and public-media world. Nothing would be achieved without direct involvement of governmental and non-governmental bodies, agencies and subjects as well.
That is why we simply „must“ come together and meet on
December the 6th, 2019 – 09.00 to 13.00
Looking forward to meet you, on behalf of organisers and supporters,
Mgr Hana Kalová, RPA,
Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, Hospital Budweis JSC,
Working Task Group NUTRACEUTICS, Czech Society of Clinical Pharmacology
The President, EMA – European Medical Agency, Budweis/České Budějovice
Organising and Logistics:
Lázně Bechyně spol. s r.o.
EMA – European Medical Agency n.f.,
EMA-services spol. s r.o.,
Nadační fond SPŠ Stavební České Budějovice